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"Jihadi John"- Wanted for Murder! |
As the Middle
East continues to variously burn as regional disintegration
becomes seemingly viral, more and more reports are emerging of wholesale
slaughter of men, women and children and in the most horrific manner possible.
Most recently, executions of hostages by way of beheading have been beamed
around the world courtesy of social media and other such devices, one of the
most notable being the murder of journalist James Foley by what appears to be a
British born thug, aka ‘Jihadi John’. More on him, and creatures of his ilk
later with suggestions too, as to how they might be dealt with once identified
and located.
Throughout the ages,
religion and the interpretations thereof, has been used as a pretext or
permission-giver for the implementation of wholesale mass-slaughter. For
example, the Inquisition cut swathes across humanity during its reign of terror
during the 12th Century, its origins being in France. In
brief, the Inquisition was an ecclesiastical court and process of the Roman
Catholic Church setup for the purpose towards the discovery and punishment of
heresy which wielded immense power and brutality in medieval and early modern
The Inquisition's function
was principally assembled to repress all heretics of rights, depriving them of
their estate and assets which became subject to the ownership of the Catholic
treasury, with each relentlessly sought to destroy anyone who spoke, or even
thought differently to the Catholic Church.
This system for close to over six
centuries, became the legal framework throughout most of Europe
that orchestrated one of the most confounding religious orders in the course of
mankind. For example, Pope Innocent III declared thus:
“Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God, which conflicts with
church dogma, must be burned without pity”
During the 16th
Century in England,
men and women – doubtless children too – would lose their lives as Henry VIII’s
Dissolution of the Monastries Act was ruthlessly carried out as he forcibly
introduced Anglicanism in the light of his 'spat' with the Pope over his divorce
with Queen Catherine, his first wife. Interpretations of scripture have been used
with deliberate manipulation in order to justify the actions of the few against
the many. Today’s unfolding events are every bit similar, for Islamic State does
not represent true Muslims by any imaginative stretch of one’s thinking.
A Muslim friend and
neighbour of this columnist guided the writer towards key sources of research
material on this topic, some of which is shared below:
In his book, Minhaaj
as-Sunnah, Shaykhul-islaam Ibn Taymiyyah explains that “there are none more harmful to the Muslims than the khawaarj, neither
the Jews nor the Christians, for they strive to kill every Muslim who did not
agree with their war, declaring the blood of Muslims, their wealth and the
slaying of their children to be lawful, whilst declaring them to be disbelievers.
And they considered this to be worship due to their ignorance and their
innovation which caused them to go astray”
This was written some 750
years ago by Taqî ad-Dîn Aḥmad ibn Taymiyyah, who was born in Harran in 1263. He lived to become an early Islamic scholar and
Philosopher. He died in Damascus
in 1328.
Even more tellingly,
during the First Century of Islam, one of the pious originals, Imam Az Zuhree
who died in 124 AH –al Hijra, wrote thus:
“Never was a severed head of an enemy brought the
Messenger of Allah ever (may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) not
even on the day of the battle of Badr.
When a severed head was brought to the first Caplih
Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) he forbade it. Once, when a severed
head was brought unto Abu Bakr, so he ascended to the pulpit and said ‘We are
not in need of this conduct; this is the way of non-Muslims and non-Arab’s’.
Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri is
regarded as one of the greatest Sunni authorities on Hadith.
Several hundred British
born men and apparently women, have made their way via Turkey to Syria
and Iraq to wage their
misguided war of terror upon mankind and many will wish to visit their evil
ways upon the people of Great
Britain, the land whence they derived their birth and
infant nurture.
It is strongly to be hoped that our Intelligence Services and
agents thereof, are busily identifying these Godless creatures and that in
turn, they will duly and perfunctorily neutralise them, for they and their kind
should have no home nor sanctuary here, or anywhere else for that matter.
Chris Green
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